Today’s guest is Michael Mullen, Co-Founder of GenRenew and one of the most energetic and enthusiastic leaders I have ever met. I’ve known Mikel for 10 years since my first days in the solar industry when he was a top performer at Verengo Solar. He has had enormous success in the renewable energy industry, helping build the company Roof Diagnostics before it was sold to NRG and then becoming Vice President of Sales for SolarCity. On the show, we learn how seemingly chance events have played a critical role in his life. From finding a flyer about a summer job, to overhearing a conversation about solar at his parent’s house, to his grandfather boarding a train that would allow him to meet his grandmother…Mike talks about how these moments ended up having a profound influence on his life, as he candidly shares stories like why he decided to end pursuing a career in accounting so he could start his first sales job. Mike also opens up about his ongoing challenge riding the highs and lows of life as he reveals a special saying that his mother shared that he often thinks about during difficult times. Mike talks about how a magical trip to India gave him a new perspective about what allows us to be content, why grit, positivity, and vision are characteristics he looks for in leaders, and why he attributes much of his success to the fact that he found something (solar) that allows him to be as enthusiastic as he is. This conversation is raw and unfiltered and I’m truly grateful to Mike for being so open! It takes some courage to be vulnerable and willing to share so many personal stories. I hope you enjoy this conversation and gain value out of these insights and others on this episode of Insight Out!
Learn more about Michael Mullen:
Website: genrenew.com
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/michael-mullen-solar
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